Input motion can be defined by a table created externally by the user. SAM can also create table files for use in another SAM-project. In this way complicated profiles can be generated, for instance to simulate the path of a robot link.

Input motion can be combined with cycloid and spline functions, to create smooth moves. In this demo two cylindres are driven with these smooth curves.

SAM allows the definition of multiple inputs, which can either be defined in terms of absolute displacements or in terms of elemental change of shape to model relative inputs (e.g. elongation of a hydraulic cylinder or relative rotation of a robot elbow). Each of the inputs can be defined independently. Standard parametric functions are available:

  • constant velocity
  • polynomial
  • cyclical motion
  • 2nd order velocity profile
  • cubic splines

These functions can be combined to form the desired input diagram. Inputs can also be read from an external ASCII file created by any user tool. This feature offers the modeling of cam profiles.

The use of multiple asynchrone motors enables simulation of scara robots and complicated pick and place machines. It is also allowed to animate multiple unconnected mechanisms at one worksheet.

Any individual node in the mechanism can be driven in x, y direction, or a combination of both. The applied profile is build by the user and also might be loaded from a text file.

To drive a scara robot arm a relative angle drive is needed. A relative rotational drive can be applied between any pair of elements in SAM.

SAM knows various ways to drive a mechanism. X, y position of a node is a way to create a linear drive. Angle and relative angle implements rotational motors, and elongation of a beam/rod is the way to create a hydraulic or pneumatic cylindre. The rack and pinion element can be used to convert a motor drive to a linear transport.


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SAM macht ihre Vorlesung animierter, das Praktikum interessanter für ihre Studenten und weniger Arbeit für Sie. Das führt zu besserem Wissenstransfer, motivierteren Studenten und höheren Noten.


mod_users-teachers Videos - SAM - The Ultimate Mechanism Designer - Artas Engineering


Einfach intuitiv & ausgereift!

Wenn der Getriebeentwurf nur eine der vielen Herausforderungen ist und keine tägliche Routine, dann brauchen Sie unbedingt Software, die gebrauchsfreundlich, intuitiv und ausgereift ist. SAM ist bereits seit 1990 im Markt etabliert.


mod_users-designengineers Videos - SAM - The Ultimate Mechanism Designer - Artas Engineering 


Reitzen Sie den Lösungsraum vollständig aus!

Mit SAM können Sie jede getriebetechnische Herausforderung lösen, Mechanismen entwerfen, Bewegungs- und Kraftanalysen durchführen und die Möglichkeiten eines Lösungsansatzes mittels state-of-the-art Optimierung weiter ausreitzen.


mod_users-samspecialists Videos - SAM - The Ultimate Mechanism Designer - Artas Engineering

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